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Difficult, but new agin

Strange, isn’t it: We have more, much more to do than before Corona. We realized all books planned, even 3 additional titles. Everything has changed, all that has been learned in 27 years of publishing is totally new each day.—Are we prepared to the New? And wasn’t it exactly the New, the curiosity about »News« that inspired the founding of a publishing house then?
We try it, stick to it. Do our daily on facebook, good reactions from there, experiment on Instagram, play with new event formats like lately at OPEN BOOKs during Frankfurt Book Fair with our Poetry Collage, develope an alltogether New View at Poetry, value the small forms as in our 16er-Reihe with its hand-bound volumes, 53 titles meanwhile—wow, is it really such a long time already?
Well, yes! And we’ll continue with interesting books and »the New«. Stay curious! *
* and yes: buy some of our beautiful books.
SPIEGEL.Online made it to one of the head topics: A few people fighting against the madness of the big ones, worrying about the planet against short-term consolidated results: In Borneo are four people fighting against deforestation, which are the lungs of the earth - in Ewart Reder's novel "Reise zum Anfang der Erde" we have a bigger group, ZUSAMMEN ARBEIT, which strikes out to the hardship of saving the forest and investigating.
This can be compared: what Jacopo Ottaviani reports on the former jungle for SPIEGEL online and Ewart Reder's contemporary novel for more than four heros, for all of us.
It could be worth it to participate in the ongoing SPIEGEL debate. We will participate during the bookfair. Ewart Reder is going to read twice on independent publisher reading island and the Kurt-Wolff-Stiftung, as well as at OPEN BOOKS Frankfurt, after that in Kiel and...
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21. Sepember 2016
As publisher of the Eremiten-Press, a publishing house founded in 1949 in Frankfurt a.M., Victor Otto Stomps published the works of D.Hoffmann, A.Gustas, G.Wohmann, E.Meister, H.Ost, W.Bächler, C.Meckel, G.Vesper, K.Staeck, H.Antes and others.1965 he got the Fontane-Price for his own literary works. In 1967 he received the badge of honour of Krefeld.
OLAF VELTE (our foto shows him together with Chief Dramatist of Oper Frankfurt Norbert Abels) is going to read this sunday, 25. September, in honour of Victor Otto Stomps at the Kunstbühne Portstraße in Oberursel, on the occasion of a reminding day for„the Eremiten press in Sanssouris castle 1954 to 1972“ , which is presented by the association Litera Touren.
Ewart Reder's radical novel »Journey to the Beginnings of Earth / Story of Co=Laboration« (»Reise zum Anfang der Erde / Die Geschichte der ZUSAMMEN=ARBEIT«) is out on the market. His major road show with readings started at »Langer Tag der Bücher« in Frankfurt (find more dates at At Miriam Spies's »Reading Room« (»Lesezimmer«) you'll listen to Ewart. Novel and author strongly emphasize that – despite al dysopies that surround us – there is lots of scope for individuals. – Stay curious!
Peter Härtling visits us
A reading by the great narrator Peter Härtling. Having reached 80 years of age he was as brillant as some of his young literary figures, young Mozart composing or the poet Hölderlin who's way he once followed in one of his novels.