Authors & Books
Karl-Günther Hufnagel
K.-G. Hufnagel was born in Munich in 1928. Study of psychology, anthropology and philosophy. Since 1960 free author. He published several audio dramas, stage plays, television plays, film texts, novels and narratives. He died in 2005.

Birth of a Poet in Civil War
- 128 pages
- hardcover
- Series Die Hauptwerke

In Hufnagel’s fifth novel we read the reflections of somebody who tries to hold his ground in unpoetical times. Hufnagel, born in 1928, reveals support activities and additional work à la journalism as evil pitfall. His frenziedly gesturing poet writes secondarily for a newspaper, interviews murderers and reports on catastrophes – the whole bitter carrousel of daily public issues. »What makes this novel a literary event is its language« they said in the »Süddeutsche Zeitung« (South German Newspaper) about Hufnagel’s book which was published in 1979. In 1960, the Rhenish »Merkur« said: »Hufnagel, who deserves attention just for the sake of his writing style, ... is merely interested in the literary method insofar as it is able to reflect a specific attitude of many people of our time.«