Schar Ptiza

20.00 €
Code  978-3-86638-221-3

The novel of a young danseuse who emigrates from Bulgaria to Germany. As a technically perfect prima ballerina of Classical Dance, Maja danced the »Feuervogel«, or »Schar Ptiza« in Bulgarian, back home in Bulgaria. After a humiliating time as a »refugee« in the prosperous West, she encounters Modern Dance in different dance companies, such in Gelsenkirchen, Frankfurt and Essen – and with its free forms of expression, a cpmpletely new world opens up to her.

Kerstin Maria Pöhler narrates the affecting story of a female artist and leads her readers into the world of dance and body discovery. En passant, the novel is a time journey into the 1960s, with its conserativism and Cold War on one hand, its atmospheres of »Wirtschaftswunder« and cultural reformations on the other. Kerstin Maria Pöhler also leads into the history of modern music and the Expressionist Dance and she revives the most important figures of the research on dancing movement like Mary Wigman or Pina Bausch.


Codename: Nalan Tri
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