Authors & Books
Vera Birkenbihl
In Vera F. Birkenbihls accompanying text to Heinrich von Kleists »Über die allmähliche Verfertigung der Gedanken beim Reden« (About the gradual fabrication of the thoughts while talking) she makes refferences to the two following books: »The open and the closed mind« by Milton Rokeach, published by Basic Books in New York in 1969 (which is unfortunately out of print) and »Sprache im Denken und Handeln« (Speech in thinking and doing) by S.I. Hayakawa. Among her ca. 30 publications, I will allud especially to the volume »115 Ideen für ein besseres Leben« (115 ideas for a better life) and the new title: »Birkenbihl-Power-Tag« (Birkenhil-Power-Day).

Über die allmähliche Verfertigung der Gedanken beim Reden
Essay in second colum edition
- 16 pages
- Series »16pages«
- 5. run to Kleist's 200. day of death 2011

The edition contains Kleist's cassic about the developement of ideas. In a second colum is put the try to formulate an up-to-date version of Kleist's approache by Vera F. Birkenbihl.