Authors & Books
Henner Drescher

Henner Drescher was born in Berlin in 1942, he grew up in Meisenheim am Glan. After he passed his A-levels in 1962 and his military duty, he finished his apprenticeship as a designer for displaywindow s. What followed were moved times with travells, graphic work, exhibition stand construction, student theaters, children shops, house fight, photo- and film equipment, and exhibitions. The sculptor, graphic artist, caricaturist and photographer can be described as a »Frankfurt original«. Many of his works were developed with his artistic friends F.W. Bernstein and Robert Gernhardt. He engaged in the Frankfurt cook-art –museum and published together with Bernstein the volume »Doppelpass in Meisenheim«. Part of his tree photographs are owned by the historical mueum of Frankfurt, because of their buy of the friends of Frankfurt.

Bäume – Räume – Träume
coffee-table book
- 224 pages
- Hardcover
- Large scale with fabric pagemarker

The volume by Henner Drescher with large scale photos of special, mostly huge trees is a homage to the grown, to the headstrong, to the »first« nature between out urban constructs.
»A wonderful book, not only because of its content, but also because of the way it is produced. An all around felicitous and remarkable book ...«, wrote Klaus Scheider on; more HERE.
Each of the over 100 trees is accompanied by a short (»dendrologischen«) discriptive text, his location and his basic measurements are captured as well. There is a literary text or a text about the cultural history, to marke either the tree, the location or it’s typ as special, added . There is much to tell about trees, that are often older than our towns and have long and projecting stories to tell. It has been often forgotten to worship them enough as part of the lung of our planet. – A few excerpts to be looked at:
The parks and gardens department of Frankfurt am Main is a partner and sponser of the book. Since in June of 2014 Frankfurt was appointed European City of the Trees. Now Frankfurt is no longer known as the city with the most imposing skyscraper skyline in Europe, but also a location where a unique urban world of trees is presented. The tree giants of Henner Drescher are the most prominent examples of this trunky/sturdy world.
Accomapanying text for the oak
J.W. Goethe and Fritz Jacobi
Goethe was thirty and had lived in Weimar for four years, when he made his friend Fritz Jacobi look like a fool: he had annonymously published a sentimental epistolary novel, that did not got Goethes approval.
In the summer of 1779 Goethe made fun of it, by reading parts of the novel out during a court society meeting under an oak near Elfesburg on the »Hausberg« of Weimar – he then climbed the tree, nailed the book on both it’s covers on the trunk, which made the pages in the book flutter in the wind. Jacobi complained in a letter of the 15th of september bout this »abusive and disgraceful execution« – which also ment the end of their friendship.