Authors & Books
Olaf Velte

Olaf Velte was born in 1960 in Bad Homburg, today he lives with his wife and two children in Wehrheim in the Taunus region. 1979 A-level, 1981 – 1984 training as a management assistant in publishing. Then consultant at the publishing house Brönner-Umschau. 1985 – 1994 study of German, theatre-, film- and television studies and philsophy. Degree: Magister Artium / Goethe-University Frankfurt.
Interships at Taunus Newspaper, Bad Homburg, 1995 work experience at Frankfurter Allegmeine Zeitung, editors »Rhein-Main-Zeitung«. 2001 language teacher at inlingua, Frankfurt / Main, 2001 / 2002 professional studies »Buch- und Medienpraxis«, Goethe-University Frankfurt. Since 1993 he works as a manager of a sheep farming and freelance writer. Articles for newspapers and magazines, creation of chronicles, book reviews, broadcasts for radio, content development of several theatre-programme, head of a independant theatre group.



Lyrik-Hör-CD (Poetry Listeners CD)
- 41 minutes
- 5 poets
- 40 poems
This poetry listeners CD is enclosed with the poetry volumes that come out in my publishing house from spring 2019—an attempt to make the poets audible and to discover some more voices from each poetry volume.
The following authors can be heard: Wolfgang Haak, Judith Hennemann, Olaf Velte, Ewart Reder und Joachim Durrang.
(We would like to thank Hannes Druener and the Klangetage, Frankfurt am Main, for the careful recording of the poetry CD).

A certain Christian Reuter from Kütten
The excursion's second part: A family and farm story
- Swabian brochure
- 88 pages
- with numerous images

Scarcely Olaf Velte had happily survived his excursion to Christian Reuter's place of baptism, when he met the Reuter-descendant Wolfram Reuter - and conceived with him the plan for a family and farm story about the wild baroque-poet. And here it is!
A co-reading with Reuter's Box is absolutely recommended ...

Reuter's box
An excursion
- Swabian brochure
- 80 pages with big cover

A linguist is travelling to the region of an almost forgotten nation of poets, he is onto a legendary chief of a travelog – and by taking a look into Olaf Velte's brilliant expedition-diary it is getting obvious quite swiftly that he contracted a nasty infection, that he catched a disease, which is still not exterminated after 400 years: he fabulates!
It got him between the Petersberg and the Saale, whether there is hope can be read at the end of his lines. In between young scientists and old luminaries are flaunting in all of their ambition, there are fierce clashes with the great and institutions of the literary scene, poets of position and authors with honors are summoned to get one thing straight: He who writes, remains – and be it falling by the wayside. – Just like that Christian Reuter, author of the Schelmuffsky, about whom and whose posthumous reputation as well as descendants is this book.
Could not one have said all of that more distinct and especially shorter? – Well, then read Olaf Velte's travelog in the years around 1700!
Stay curious!

Next to me someone who calls himself Mörike
A narrative
- 72 pages
- Swabian brochures with gate-folded covers

The Swabian countryside of the year 1829: Hardly 25-year-old Eduard Mörike is dreaming himself overland:
In 2002 Olaf Velte approached the poet Christian Dietrich Grabbe in his prose in the course of his 200st birthday; he dealt similarly with Raabe. In this prose he lets a squad of nomadic shepherds, colleagues in Olaf Velte's own bread-and-butter job, break in Mörike's homelessness, which is at the end far more revolutinary than Mörike's former youthfully companions from the Tübinger Stift could have become ...

Mr. Auditor Grabbe / To the city Frankfurt
A prose for the 200th birthday of the poet and drunkard Christian Dietrich Grabbe
- 24 pages
- Series »16pages«

He was born on December 11, 1801 – so, recently it was his 200st birthday to celebrate.
He died, not yet 35 years old, on September 12, 1836 – a short while ago it was his 165st obit to bemoan.
There is talk of Christian Dietrich Grabbe.
The literary scholar, dramaturg and poet Olaf Velte gave a wayward narrative funeral oration, which lives up to Grabbe's individualism. A narrative, which is set in the head of the ingenious dramatist; which sticks with the ravings of the Detmold advocate Grabbe (pursuant to the rank of a military court council) and portrays his only a few months lasting stay in Frankfurt am Main.

Raabe dreams
Narration about Wilhelm Raabe
- 36 pages
- Series »16pages«

On the day of his wedding in 1862 Raabe leaves his northern German home with his wife and migrates to Stuttgart. Here starts Velte's narrative. Since »Chronik der Sperlingsgasse« Raabe is a famous and popular writer and now hopes to further progress in the then literary capital. Important acquaintances are emerging, one assembles in the artist association »Bergwerk«. While Raabe is writing obstinately on his narratives and novels and the first daughter comes into the world, the political mood is exacerbating. Prussia and Austria claim the hegemony for Germany, the debates are getting fiercer. With his acquaintance Jensen Raabe is siding with Bismarck – and is soon standing isolated in southern Germany ...
At all that Olaf Velte has the moment of aesthetic decision in mind, in which Raabe is shifting his basic narrative attitude from the one of a readily read entertainment-writer to a harsh version of realism and experimenting with time leaps and switching of perspectives. Leap along!

A collar of soil
- 80 pages
- Series Label (Reihe ETIKETT)
- Sponsored by Possmann Kelterei

A volume with scenic poems, in which old apple varieties and pears are occuring as well as the landscape of the Hintertaunus, in which Olaf Velte lives and works.

A couple of poets
Poems about Grabbe, Lenz, Büchner, Kleist and Reuter
- 40 pages
- Series »16pages«
- Hand-stitched

The present booklet with poems is standing in the immediate context of Olaf Velte's occupation with those authors, whom he also dedicated narratives to. In these poems he is approaching them in even tighter, further condensed situations of their life and work.

Etchings / Poems
- 28 pages
- Hand-stitched
- Special edition with original etching
- 140 euros

The collaboration of the painter and illustrator Vroni Schwegler and the poet Olaf Velte also exists as special edition, which contains an original etching of the artist and is signed by both of them.