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A Publishers’ Project throughout Europe

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A database is currently being created on the website for what we will henceforth call »European Book Projects«. It is a concept that was developed at axel dielmann – verlag KG and Frankfurt Academic Press GmbH and is now being realised in a network with various publishing colleagues across Europe.
At the core of this concept is the observation from almost 30 years of publishing work that a high percentage of book projects already have the potential to be published in some or several, sometimes even in all EU countries during their development phase—in other words, European Book Projects.
With the European Book Agency,, we want to collect such books on the emerging platform, present them to colleagues from European publishing houses and thus make it possible for the books to appear translated in many of the relevant EU countries even before they are published in just one of the European countries.
Three first samples for European Book Projects you’ll find here:
• sample 1: EU Poetry Passport
• sample 2: Great Europeans
• sample 3: EURO – Brief History of a Big Idea: Our Common Currency – and all these three patterns would have the potential to actually work not only in some EU countries asl »European Book Project«, but in each case in all countries of the EU!
So far, around 50 publishers from 16 of the 27 EU countries are involved. We are currently developing a database structure on the above domain. The first European Book Projects will be added to it soon. The site will be accessible in all languages of the 27 EU countries, and the European Book Projects will be viewable in all these languages.—The public will be able to view the projects in keywords and short descriptions, and above all the jointly realised book projects will be extensively documented; in this respect, a Library of European Book Projects will be set up here at the same time.
More information is available at and
Stay curious!